U.S. Secretary of State Comment Confirms Euphrates Revelation Prophecy

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, has said the diplomatic situation in Syria is a ‘toxic cocktail’ that was delicate and “very dangerous.”

Syria, he argued, was “a whole bunch of wars taking place at once in the same place”. It was “Kurd v Kurd, Kurd v Turkey, Iran and Saudi; you have got Turkey, Daesh [Isis], Persian Shia versus Arab Sunni, Sunni v Shia, a lot of people against Assad, you have the challenge of Shia Iraqi militia coming into Syria and then, of course, you have Hezbollah-supporting Assad. So this is about as toxic a diplomatic cocktail I can think of.”

Kerry said he would work right up to the end of Obama’s presidency to try to find a political solution to the Syrian problem, which he described as a contorted web.

This toxic situation is a Sign of the Last Days as foretold in the prophecy of Revelation 9:14 when demonic turmoil is unleashed at the Euphrates River area which ultimately results in world war.