Violent Dallas Police Ambush:12 Shot & 5 Dead In Violence

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The streets in Dallas where filled with violence when snipers shot 12 Dallas officers, five fatally. A cornered suspect who would not surrender was killed by police by detonating a robotic bomb so to prevent further death of officers.

The suspect had told police negotiators that “the end is coming.”

Suspect also told a hostage negotiator that he was upset about the Black Lives Matter movement and recent police shootings of black men elsewhere in the U.S.

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said, “The good news: He’s gone off the face of the Earth.”

Genesis 6 Noah’s Day: “…and the earth was filled with violence.”

Last Days at Jesus Coming: “…as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”

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