More Violent ‘Yellow Vest’ Paris Protests Storming Government Offices

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

“Yellow vest” protesters clashed with police in several French cities, including smashing their way into a government ministry in Paris with a forklift.

Benjamin Griveaux, a government spokesman, evacuated from his ministry in central Paris when protesters in high-visibility vests smashed down the large wooden door to the ministry compound. The government denounced the break-in as an “unacceptable attack on the Republic”.

The protesters entered the courtyard where they smashed up cars, broke windows and then escaped. Police are trying to identify them from security footage.

The Interior Ministry put the number of protesters who took to the streets across France at 50,000 with people protesting across the country.

French President Emmanuel Macron did not specifically refer to the forklift incident, but tweeted his condemnation of the “extreme violence” against “the Republic, its guardians, its representatives and its symbols.”

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