Wild Weather Brings ‘Ice-Quakes’ From Polar Vortex With Booming Explosions

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

As the polar vortex blew in a deep freeze with plummeting extreme sub-zero temperatures, people across the Chicago area have been kept up at night as they heard a series of booming explosions.

The loud booms overnight, which can sound very much like what happens with an earthquake, are actually a weather phenomenon some call ‘ice-quakes.’

An ice-quake, or cryoseism as science calls it, occurs when the water underground rapidly freezes forming ice and expands the soil really quickly, and that expansion suddenly cracks the earth causing the ice-quake which can make a loud booming sound.

And the wild weather from the polar vortex has caused officials to declare states of emergency across the country as it brought the coldest air in a generation to several parts of the US and created dangerous and, at times, deadly conditions.

The extreme weather has killed at least 10 people with some found frozen outside. Polar vortex-related deaths have been reported in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana and Wisconsin, authorities said.

At the peak of this week’s extreme weather, about 224 million people across the country were hit with below-freezing temperatures.

You can watch more about extreme weather that is happening worldwide with simultaneous opposing extremes and the Biblical prophetic signs here.

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