April 21st we posted about apocalyptic weather including drought as an end-time sign. May 1st a severe wildfire exploded from drought devastating the city of Fort McMurray, Canada. It’s now the largest Canadian disaster in history. Over 80,000 people were evacuated as the wildfire laid waste to the town. Thankfully, no one has been killed by it thus far. It’s still burning and officials say it’s too big to stop without significant rain.
Is this a sign of serious events coming as prophesied? The Scripture and the scientists both agree that it is. NASA recently forecast that mega-droughts are coming due to dramatic weather shifts that will linger for decades causing severe water shortages and wildfires. Will more cities burn in North America?
Just 1 day after the Fort McMurray wildfire erupted, researchers reported at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia that they have calculated the Middle East and North Africa could become so hot that the ability of humans to inhabit the Middle East will be challenged.

Image: Molly John, Flickr, Creative Commons.
That the temperature in the already very hot Middle East and North Africa will increase more than two times faster compared to the average global warming, and that extremely hot days will occur five times more often.
This extreme heat, drought, wildfires, sandstorms, and water shortages the scientists are warning of will fulfill the apocalyptic prophecies such as the Revelation and 16th chapter; where severe heat from the sun will scorch the earth and mankind. The signs are already here and increasing. The rest of what the Holy Scriptures say are true and will come to pass.