World Faces Largest Humanitarian Crisis In U.N. History Says Official

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The world is facing its greatest humanitarian crisis in U.N. history, says the United Nations humanitarian coordinator, Stephen O’Brien. 20 million people across four countries in Africa and the Middle East are at risk of starvation and famine from conflict.

He called the crisis the largest in the history of the U.N., which was founded in 1945, and was specific in his request to the council: “$4.4 billion by July” to combat extreme hunger in Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, and northeast Nigeria.

“All four countries have one thing in common. Conflict,” he said. “Parties to the conflict are parties to the famine – as are those not intervening to make the violence stop.”

“Another horse, fiery red, went out… to take peace from the earth… and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.” ~Revelation 6.