World-Wide Time Of Prayer In Cemeteries With Acts & Gifts To Vatican To Free Souls Completed

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Between Nov. 1-8, a world-wide time of prayer in cemeteries and indulgences gained from the authority of the Vatican have been done by the Roman Church so to free souls of departed ones from purgatory in a practice that has seen a revival.

The Roman Church advocates that during the specific timeframe they can visit a cemetery and pray for a soul in purgatory who they can free and send on to heaven.

And this can be helped by gaining an indulgence from the authority of the Vatican which eliminates sin and its punishment, where one can with a combination of acts like certain prayer, ritual, and charitable contribution earn the indulgence.

In a recent article entitled “How to Help Free the Souls in Purgatory,” published in the National Catholic Register, it described how  “We can wield unimaginable power for the souls in purgatory during the week of All Souls Day, from Nov. 1-8. If we visit a cemetery and pray for a soul in purgatory, they can be released by us; one on every one of those days.” 

The Roman Church practices and festivals in this condensed period of time around such as All Hallows Eve or Halloween, All Souls Day, and the Day of the Dead, share common roots in reaching out to connect with the spirit world through the darkness of superstition.

Where people through superstitious rituals want to communicate with the dead and connect with spirits endeavoring to communicate with and influence the outcome of souls who have already passed on.

Now each November, the Vatican offers the living the opportunity to obtain indulgences for the dead, so that they might be completely freed from purgatory and go to heaven. And has strong influence in areas as Mexico where they build altars at the graves of their loved ones bringing offerings of what they loved in life and spend the night in the graveyard hoping to attract and connect with the dead; and in the Philippines, families are known to spend the night in graveyards playing cards and drinking.

These practices came originally from pagan beliefs in various cultures that were collected and merged into Roman Church practices so that it would gain acceptance and influence in those societies which grew it into the largest religious denomination.

But none of these practices are found or supported in the Biblical Scriptures except as falsehoods from the spirits of darkness, where the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons  speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth (1 Timothy 4:1-3).

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