Yellowstone Eruption Coming? What’s Happening There

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

At Yellowstone, which is a super-volcano caldera at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, there are witnesses saying that increasingly strange seismic activity is happening there. One witness reported that it appeared to be as bright as day even though middle of the night with a host of geysers steaming violently. Another said that a place at the Shoshone River near Yellowstone National Park had started boiling with changed color and emitting odors.

Volcanoes with their eruptions of volcanic ash clouds and burning rocks falling 100’s of miles away along with associated earthquakes are certain contributors to fulfilling the end-time prophecies. Revelation 6:12 “And I beheld when He had opened the Sixth Seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.”

Read News On What Is Going On At Yellowstone