Series Of Earthquakes Rattle Mount St. Helen’s Area

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A series of earthquakes around Mount St. Helen’s in Washington state startled residents as far away as Portland, Oregon, and Seattle. The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network said a magnitude-3.9 quake hit around 12:38 a.m. with people throughout the region that reported feeling it.

Mount St. Helens is best known for a spectacular eruption in 1980 that coated the region in ash and blew off the mountain’s peak. It killed 57 people and came within minutes of a magnitude-5.1 earthquake.

The larger quake Wednesday was followed minutes later by a magnitude-2.7 temblor. Dozens of smaller aftershocks have been hitting since then as reported by scientists who continually record activity in and around Mount St. Helens.

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Signs of the Last Days® Ministry