Now we know what really happened behind all those screens as Charles was secretly anointed as a king to Israel also in the coronation ceremony. Which was a Hebrew anointing ceremony taken exactly from the template used for Solomon’s coronation as king in the Holy Bible. And there are those who say and believe that the lineage of King Charles … Read More
U.S. Plans To Put Foreign Army In Judea As Jesus Said
Mid-East reports say that the U.S. plans to put a foreign army in the West Bank of Judea just as Lord Jesus foretold in His Biblical prophecies. Reports say the U.S. is training an army of thousands in Jordan that will replace Israel’s IDF military in Judea as part of a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. They say … Read More
The King & The Harlot Birth An Abomination As Prophesied
A King has joined with the Harlots of Prophecy in spiritual fornication birthing an abomination and end-time prophecy foretells that it is on the wing of abominations that the one comes who brings desolation upon the world. The prophecies of Holy Bible Scripture describe that in the Last Days there will be the great harlot of end-time prophecy with whom … Read More
1st In History As World Religion Has Crowned A King
For the first time in history, world religion has crowned a king, as there were prophetically significant world order signs that happened in the coronation of King Charles. Which was a rare event when for the first time in a generation England crowned a new monarch in a coronation ceremony that was filled with many historical firsts. As for the … Read More
Fire Met By Fire As Joel Gaza Prophecy Fulfilled
In the Middle East there were about 1000 rockets fired from Gaza on Israel in around 48 hours as Palestinians in Gaza attacked Israel. And Israel said it would meet fire with fire and bring Gaza’s retaliations upon their own heads as the Last Days Prophecy of Joel on Gaza is being fulfilled. As Gaza of the land of Philistia … Read More
Signs in Heavens At King Of England’s Coronation
There are signs in the heavens at the time of the coronation of King Charles of England and the Commonwealth Nations as we are nearing the Time of the Kings as described in the end-time prophecies of the Holy Bible Scriptures. There will be three signs in the heavens near the anointing and crowning of Charles as the King of … Read More
Earth Groaning Breaks Open Cracks On Continents
There are reports how the earth is groaning and breaking open to where there are cracks opening up on continents around the world as the earth is nearing the reckoning day of the coming of the Lord Jesus. As the earth is in travail with it groaning and actually opening up in places world-wide with the earth seemingly preparing for … Read More
Vatican Pope Sends “True Cross” Relic To Britain King’s Coronation
From the rooms of the Vatican the Roman Pontiff has sent the King of England a relic they claim is from the actual cross of Jesus Christ to be used in the coronation ceremony of the King. Reports say Pope Francis has sent two fragments of wood from the Vatican rooms which they claim are from the “True Cross” on … Read More
King Charles Coronation Goes Anti-Christ
The King of England is trying to take his coronation anti-Christ as the King has insisted on being coronated as the Defender of all Faiths of World Religion and not exclusively just the Christian Faith. Even though all English Sovereigns before him, including Henry VIII to his recently deceased mother the Queen of England, have held as head of the … Read More
Muslim King Of Anti-Christ Calls Islam Against Israel
The Muslim King over the Holy Mount in the Holy City, who will work with Anti-Christ, has called for all of Islam to rise up against Israel – alerting all Muslims it’s their duty to oppose Israel over the Holy Mount in Jerusalem. In the Muslim city of Amman during Islam’s holy days in their holy month of Ramadan, the … Read More