This Reuters post states that the beginning of World War Three may have already begun in Syria and Iraq. And goes on to say, Iraq remains the center of what Jordanian King Abdullah now refers to as the Third World War. It is where Islamic State was birthed, and where the United States seems to be digging in for the long … Read More
March 23rd We Posted What End-Time Signs To Watch for in Europe From Brussels Terror Attack. 7 Days Later European Parliament Leader Makes Call for End-Time Sign We Described Earlier. In our March 23rd post titled “Europe in Turmoil from Islamic Middle East – Watch for These Coming End-Time Signs” we said, and I quote, to look “for signs of … Read More
Third Temple Closer Than Ever With Search for Jewish Priests
The Temple Institute has initiated the second stage towards building the Third Temple in Israel: compiling a list of Jewish priests who will be eligible to prepare the red heifer and serve in the Temple Worship. The registry will include men who have a clear patriarchal heritage from the priestly class (descendants of Aaron), were born and raised in Israel, … Read More
To Counter Russian Aggression U.S. Deploying Armored Brigades To Europe
The U.S. military has said that it would deploy rotations of U.S.-based armored brigade combat teams to Europe. They say this is part of a wider effort to counter what the United States sees as Russian aggression on the continent, since Russia’s takeover of Crimea, invasion of Ukraine, and its strategic bomber flights near various countries. Their presence in Europe will … Read More
Reuters exclusive video reports Russia’s military has shipped more into Syria than it has removed, therefore actually beefing up a stronger military presence. Putin played the media game by announcing a “partial drawdown” of Russian military in Syria when it actually amounted to less than half of the air power only flying out for show and filming a “victory” return in Russia. … Read More
Ayatollah Khamenei Says Ballistic Missiles Key To Iran’s Future
Iran’s supreme top leader Ayatollah Khamenei has said missiles are key to the Islamic Republic’s future, offering support to the hardline Revolutionary Guards. “Those who say the future is in negotiations, not in missiles, are either ignorant or traitors,” Khamenei, who has the final say on all matters of state, was quoted as saying by his website. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards conducted … Read More
From Pakistan to America, Christ’s Prophecy of Christian Persecution Coming to Pass
The echoes of 1st century Christian persecution are growing louder and louder in the 21st century. Jesus said that Christian persecution would be a sign of the end-time. From Pakistan to America, Christ’s Prophecy of Christian Persecution is coming to pass. The prophecy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 says, “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill … Read More
Europe Turmoil from Islamic Middle East – Watch for These End-Time Signs
Europe is entering a new phase of reality it has not previously experienced. We are watching in the media horrendous terrorist attacks from country to country, and now they have struck near the very heart of European Union institutions in Brussels. Also, we have watched refugees migrating to Europe in large lines that stretched for miles after crossing the Aegean … Read More
Israel Jews Call Three-Day Fast for Messiah Salvation Echoing Biblical Esther
A grassroots Israeli group in the Jewish State has organized a three-day fast leading up to the holiday of Purim, mirroring that of Queen Esther in the Biblical story. Thus far, over 22,000 people have agreed to participate in the fast, which they hope will overturn the continuous threats to Israel’s existence. The physical fast is an undertaking with a spiritual … Read More
Israelis Killed in Turkey Bombing-Turkish Official Tweets Death to Israelis
In the latest bomb explosion in Turkey, mostly Israelis were killed or wounded. Two of the murdered Israelis had dual American citizenship. The ratio of Israelis killed and wounded in the attack has generated concern that the victims’ nationalities was no coincidence. Then Irem Aktas, a member of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AKP Party shared on the social media network … Read More