Bible Creation Labeled A Conspiracy Theory On Fact Checking Site

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

An article published on has labeled the Bible description of creation as a conspiracy theory.

The article, which was published in the “News” section of the website, describes the belief in the Bible description of creation as “a much more enduring conspiracy theory that also pervades America.”

As it likens the creation in the Book of Genesis to what it calls as other conspiracy theories such as QAnon.

The article on further claims that up to 40% of adult Americans believe in conspiracy theories specifically because they believe in what the Bible says.

Additionally saying how Bible creation is a conspiracy theory that cannot be ignored because it is dangerous.

Which seemingly endeavors to place all people believing in the Bible description of creation in a category of being dangerous to the safety of society. calls itself a fact checking website which sorts out myths and rumors from facts on the Internet. And Facebook has also used them in the past for fact checking in what they called their effort to prevent misinformation.

In a manner that seems disingenuous, makes a statement along with the article titled Why Creationism Bears All the Hallmarks of a Conspiracy Theory.

Where they say: “This content is shared here because the topic may interest Snopes readers; it does not, however, represent the work of Snopes fact-checkers or editors.”

Yet by publishing the extremely bias article, which in essence accuses the Bible of being a conspiracy theory and the prophets of God and Christian believers in Holy Scripture as dangerous conspiracy theorists, the fact-checkers and editors at have supported the content within the article by publishing and promoting its dissemination.

In doing so, does not that within itself reveal them to not be fair arbiters of truth but an organization with liberal bias?  Which could not help but influence whatever is their “secret sauce” criteria in their fact-checking functions?

There have been fair questions asked about fact checking the fact checkers. Where other news organizations have said: “it is clear that before we rush to place fact checking organizations like Snopes in charge of arbitrating what is “truth” on Facebook, we need to have a lot more understanding of how they function internally and much greater transparency into their work.”

In reality, this seems to be another example of liberal media, enamored with cancel culture, seeking to promote labeling Christians with Biblical beliefs as a threat to society.

In labeling the Bible a conspiracy theory and Christians who believe in it as dangerous conspiracy theorists, does this mean that presidents who believed in the Bible were conspiracy theorists dangerous to the country?

Were presidents as Washington, Adams, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan, Bush, or others, who may have believed in the Bible, to be considered conspiracy theorists of misinformation whose extremism was a danger to the country?

Of course, not. And neither were the thousands who believed in the Bible who gave their lives for their country in the defense of our freedom and others.

This is how ludicrous the efforts of the liberal segment of society have become. Where liberal media and liberal organizations are endeavoring to negate and cancel conservatives of the past and the present who believe in the Bible.

Even if it means mislabeling them as dangerous extremists spreading misinformation. As the liberals create their very own conspiracy theory that scapegoats the Bible-believing Christian segment of society as a bad group of conspirators.

As they plant suspicions (like in bias articles) to manipulate people to accept their view and provoke society to target the other group.

This has happened before for Biblical Christians. The Apostles of Jesus Christ, as Peter and Paul, were canceled (literally) by the Roman liberal society of their day.

The 1st century Christians also had suspicions falsely alleged which made them the scapegoats for when disaster came in the great fire of Rome. Could it happen again in the Last Days?

According to the Biblical prophecies of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:9-14), His true Christian believers will again be delivered up to trouble in the nations, as a sign of the Last Days that the world is nearing the end of the age.

These events and conditions happening now are warning signs pointing to the nearing fulfillment of the Last Days prophecies at the end of this age revealing it’s time to prepare now for the nearing appearance of Jesus Christ for His Church by being born again spiritually into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said we must (John 3) and His Apostles who were authorized (Matthew 16:19) described how (Acts 2).

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