How America Created an Assassination Generation

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Research reports a correlation between video games and gun violence, in a society with children still allowed free access to these games breeding an assassination generation. After an in-depth investigation, The New York Times found that mass murders occur, on average, more than once every single day in the United States. Violence is the most likely cause of death among … Read More

Russia, Turkey, Iran, Eye Dicing Up Syria Into Zones In Deal

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Syria would be divided into zones of regional power influence and Assad would remain president in a transition for just a few years under a deal outlined between Russia, Turkey and Iran. Foreign and defense ministers from Russia, Turkey and Iran met in Moscow on Dec. 20 and set out the principles they thought any Syria deal should adhere to. … Read More

How Foreign Hotspots Could Test Trump’s Nuclear Trigger Finger

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

From Russia to Iran to North Korea, a new president with civilization-ending weaponry at his fingertips will face an in-tray of potential international crises. On Trump’s first day in office he will be handed the “nuclear biscuit” – a small card with the codes he needs to talk to the Pentagon war room to verify his identity in the event … Read More

PROPHECY ALERT:Russia, Iran, Turkey Make Syria Plan Without U.S. or U.N.

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

PROPHECY ALERT: The three Middle-East powers most deeply involved in Syria’s war met for an unprecedented summit in Moscow and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said they had reached significant agreements. The summit in Moscow vividly illustrated the new power dynamics around Syria, as former rivals Russia and Turkey sat across the table from each other while the US was … Read More

How Russia Invaded USA Without A Shot

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The USA has been stealthily invaded and its society destabilized by a nation state who unleashed a modern weapon of world war without firing a shot. U.S. intelligence officials have discovered with “a high level of confidence” how that Russian hackers infiltrated the computer systems of the Democratic and Republican parties during the U.S. election. They stole and distributed information … Read More

Your Brain On God – People Get High On Spirit

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

A research study of MRIs shows that spiritual experience lights up the brain. Religious and spiritual experiences activate the brain reward circuits in much the same way as other strong stimuli as love, drugs and music. Based on MRI scans, the researchers found that powerful spiritual feelings were reproducibly associated with activation in the critical brain regions for processing reward. … Read More

Death Of Aleppo Imminent: How it Means Middle East World War

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The fall of Aleppo to Syria’s dictator seems imminent. Not only Assad but also Putin are pleased. Just as Hitler was appeased leading to World War 2 so has been Russia. It is a precursor to Middle East World War that the prophecies have foretold. The West, which backed away from enforcing the red-line against heinous war acts in Syria … Read More

Violent Society’s New Mantra: “Run, Hide, Fight”

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

When society’s new mantra is “Run, Hide, Fight”, its just not safe anymore. This is the mantra of a training video for use in schools, workplaces, and churches teaching people what to do if there is an active shooter or terrorist so they can have a chance of surviving. When a lone wolf Islamist terrorist this week at Ohio State … Read More

Thankfulness: A Sign Of The Last Days

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

When Apostle Paul prophetically described the world in the Last Days in 2 Timothy 3:2, he said it would be unthankful – also meaning a lack of thankfulness to God. This is realized in an increasingly humanistic secular world that has separated itself from God and places value on their efforts and plans instead of His plan for us in … Read More

War Weapons Being Transferred To America Police Departments

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Why are police and sheriff departments, state universities and departments of resources, among others, getting military M16 & M14 rifles along with grenade launchers? Despite public concerns, federal data shows that 2014 and 2015 were peak years for shipments of surplus military gear to local police departments across America. A study shows the transfer of 1.5 million weapons-related items from the … Read More