A massive asteroid named after Apophis, the ‘God of Chaos’, is speeding up as it travels towards Earth with a potential impact date in an explosion that would be equivalent to 880 million tons of TNT. Experts warn the asteroid is gaining speed and could strike our planet in 48 years according to astronomers. Prior to this discovery the impact … Read More
U.S. Talks Secession After 2020 Election Like In 1860
There has been some talk of secession in the US after the 2020 election. Where a political party leader and a well-known talk show host have suggested that the US is heading toward that happening. Some say things haven’t been this bad since the election of 1860, when after that election it led to declarations of secession by several states, … Read More
2021 Covid Global Great Reset For Beast System
Global elites in government politics, corporate business, and ecumenical religion, are cooperating simultaneously world-wide right now to plan how to manage the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. (You can hear them talk about it in this video!) The World Order elites prophesied in Revelation are to meet in 2021 in Switzerland, where they will form up the new rules for … Read More
Rare Celestial Sight In The Heavens Not Seen in Centuries Comes At 2020 End
Near the end of 2020 there is coming the sight of a great celestial conjunction in the heavens. A bright light that has not been seen by people on Earth in centuries. Astronomers use the word conjunction to describe meetings of planets or other objects in our sky’s dome. They use the term great conjunction to describe meetings of the … Read More
Mysterious Loud Booms In Sky Continue World-Wide Leaving People Baffled
Mysterious loud booms continue happening in the sky world-wide with nobody seeming to know what is causing it. The phenomenon has also been called ‘skyquakes’ where loud booms originate from the sky that can produce shock waves that vibrate a building or a particular area. In the past days several more have been reported like in Okanagan, Canada, where residents … Read More
Roman Pope & Biden Plan To Work Together On World Issues
The Roman Pope Francis has phoned Joe Biden, a lifelong member of the Roman Catholic Church, where they spoke about working together for humanity on world issues. If his election is certified, Biden would be just the second Roman Catholic to be elected president in U.S. history, the first since John F. Kennedy. And Biden was the first Roman Catholic … Read More
Earth Started Mysteriously Pulsating & Experts Aren’t Sure Why
Seismologists discovered that the earth is pulsating which emanates from deep inside the Earth. Every 26 seconds for the last 60 years seismologists have detected a ubiquitous pulse emanating from deep inside the Earth but scientists still aren’t sure what’s behind the phenomenon. As they have studied it more extensively in the following years, seismologists narrowed down the location of … Read More
What’s Happening In The 2020 Election Prophetically
The 2020 election is manifesting signs of the Last Days prophecies revealing what’s happening behind the scenes pointing to a transition into Biblical prophecies that is nearing. It’s showing how the prophecies are being realized concerning the United States and indicating what will happen after Trump whether that is in a matter of weeks or years. As we see how … Read More
Rare Blood Red Aurora Sighted Over Earth Before 2020 Election
Rare phenomenon of a blood red Aurora, a sign from the Sun, was reported to be seen over the Earth before the 2020 US Election. And these Blood Aurora have historically brought a sense of foreboding to humanity in the past as they were seen as a warning of coming conflict. And indeed there is a history of significant events … Read More
Fireball Passes Over Northeast U.S. Same Day Earthquake Hits There After Election
The American Meteor Society (AMS) has received hundreds of claims reported in the media that a fireball passed over the northeast U.S. on the same day that the largest earthquake to hit southern New England in decades also happened. The fireball event was reported on November 8th, 2020, with reports of the fireball seen in the U.S. states of Connecticut, … Read More