Israel Setup On ICC Court Charges By Biden, Khan, & Clooney

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A trap was set for historic ICC war crime charges on Israel’s leaders by a conspiracy of the world order against Israel including Biden & Blinken of the U.S. and Khan the ICC prosecutor with Clooney his advisor. As they are making obscene war crime charges against the leaders of Israel at the International Criminal Court as nations conspire against … Read More

Lightning Strikes Are Surging As Rapture Nears

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Lightning is dramatically surging in diverse places worldwide even in rare places where it supposedly cannot happen as lightning in the heavens is foretold in prophecy as a harbinger of the Last Days and a sign that precedes the Lord’s arrival. There are dramatic events happening with staggering numbers of lightning strikes in short timeframes which weather officials are saying … Read More

Putin Coronated As Prince of Rus-sia

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Vladimir Putin was inaugurated in a ceremony fit for the coronation of the Grand Prince of Rus. And Putin said that he and Rus-sia are the heirs of Ancient Rus who will regather the lands and the peoples of that ancient empire that will change the world order in the prophetic Last Days. In the Holy Bible Prophecy it is … Read More

Israel Invades Rafah After Hamas Attacks Israel Again

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Israel has invaded Rafah in Gaza after Hamas has attacked Israel again from both Gaza & Lebanon. As Israel is ignoring the warnings of the nations. As Israeli tanks went rolling in taking over the Rafah Crossing at Egypt as Last Days Bible prophecy signs increase. The Israeli-Hamas war is far from over, as Hamas has again attacked Israel this … Read More

MIDEAST NEWS!—Hezbollah Threatens Israel’s Red Heifers!

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The Hezbollah Arab terror army of Lebanon has threatened the Red Heifers of Israel just as did Palestinian Hamas of Gaza in a signal of full-scale war between Hezbollah and Israel. As the Red Heifer sacrifice signals war and not peace for Israel in the time of the Return to Sacrifices. Israeli and Arab media have reported that Hezbollah has … Read More

Floods Attack Iran As Water Turns Blood Red Then Israel Strikes

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

After Iran struck Israel then floods attacked Iran and water turned blood red then Israel struck Iran in judgment at Passover. As now the Angel Prince Michael over Israel is fighting the evil spirit prince of Persia in the Latter Days and then the prince of Greece will come as foretold in Bible Prophecy. Where Persia Iran is to prepare … Read More

BREAKING!—Israel Strikes Iran—As Water Turns Blood Red

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

BREAKING NEWS—Reports say Israel strikes Iran in an unprecedented direct attack on Persia Iran while Jewish media also reports water turning blood red in Iran right before the Jewish Passover. Where just as God struck the Egyptians with the water turning blood red before the Jewish Passover signaling the strike of judgement coming on the enemies of Israel, this strike … Read More

Muslims In U.S. Chant “Death To America” Call For Jihad

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Extremist Muslims on U.S. streets are openly chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” as they call for Jihad on Israel and America so to eliminate Israel by genocide and bring about the downfall of America’s government. No more is it only in the Middle East near Israel do you hear the Islamic chants that say Death to Israel … Read More

Russian Warships Enter Red Sea As God Draws Nations Into Prophecies

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Russian warships have now entered the Biblical Red Sea of the Middle East with many others as God of Heaven is gathering the nations to the Middle East at Israel to fulfill Last Days Bible Prophecy. The warships crossed past the Yemen Strait and entered into the Red Sea after practicing military exercises against mock enemies in the Gulf of … Read More

1st Ever Iran Direct Attack On Israel With 300 Missiles/Drones

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Israeli media reports that Iran has launched a large wave of attack drones/missiles from its territory toward the Jewish state in the first-ever direct attack on Israel by the Islamic Republic of Iran. An IDF spokesman confirmed that the attack, anticipated for several days, had begun and that the Israeli military was tracking and intercepting them. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards also … Read More