Rare Earthquake In Northeast U.S. Felt By Millions Of People

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake sent shockwaves throughout New York City and into other states today rattling buildings across the US Northeast according to the US Geological Survey. As tremors were felt from Washington, DC to New York City and to Maine with the shaking felt by millions of people across hundreds of miles of the Northeast. The rare 4.8 earthquake … Read More

Severe 7.4-M Earthquake, Over 1000 Injured & Many Trapped & Dead

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A severe 7.4 magnitude earthquake happened at a depth of about 21 miles with the epicenter about 11 miles south-southwest of Hualien City in Taiwan according to the U.S. Geological Survey. As Taiwan was shaken by its most powerful earthquake in a quarter century as the major trembler has killed at least nine people, injured a thousand more, collapsed hundreds … Read More

US Abandons Israel At UN In Prophetic Sign

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The U.S. abandoned Israel at the U.N. as the government refused to support Israel in the UN Security Council as the U.S. administration capitulated to pressure & helped Israel’s enemy as nations increasingly turn on Israel in a prophetic sign. The U.S. turned away and abstained from voting to protect Israel as the U.S. government allowed the UN Security Council … Read More

Biblical Signs Already Manifesting In US Solar Eclipse Path

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Bible prophecy signs are now manifesting in the 2024 solar eclipse path of America as pestilence, heat, fires, earthquakes, distress are already  increasing along the eclipse path anticipating the prophetic event. This is just like what happened with the last total solar eclipse on America in 2017. Where 7 years ago there were also Biblical prophetic signs that manifested along … Read More

Animal Attacks Increasing As Revelation Beast Nears

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Extreme animal attacks on people are increasing around the world as we near the Time of Beasts in the Revelation Prophecy of the End-Time. Which is during the Revelation events of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse which will bring brutish violent leaders of world government and world religion to the earth. And these world leaders of Revelation prophecy are … Read More

Summer In Winter—Heat & Fire Shuts Nuke Facility

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Now there is Summer in Winter with record heat & monster wild fires as prophecy of Revelation fire & heat is growing where record triple-digit heat & out of control record wild fires in February even shut down a US nuclear weapons facility. The weather experts say this was an “insane” record-shattering event that caused high temperature winter records to … Read More

Nuclear Space Weapon Shakes Washington As A Mighty Wind

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Revelation 6 prophecy foretells cosmic disturbances where space is shaken in the End-Time and now Washington says Russia has a nuclear space weapon that can make the sky recede as a scroll when it is rolled up. The news of a Russian space-based nuclear weapon that could make America blind and deaf in a war has shaken Washington DC like … Read More

Mysterious Ancient Giant Coffins In Asian Caves

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A new study describes mysterious giant wood coffins in caves in Asia as being thousands of years old which scientists say held DNA of a mysterious people. Where scientists said these mysterious giant coffins were of a people from an Iron Age culture that came to inhabit this area which had characteristics from like other cultures in Europe. But where … Read More

Category 6 Storms Arrive at Mans 6th Day Near Mark 666

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

There are scientists trying to catch up to the new prophetic reality in the world as they say a new category 6 is needed to accurately classify super-storms happening in the world now that are reaching over 200mph. Where in a new study scientists say that the growing intensification of hurricane and cyclone storms make it necessary to add a … Read More

EU Says World Must Impose “Solution” On Israel

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

EU leader says the Middle East 2 State Solution must be imposed on Israel from the outside before the Mid-East catches on fire. And this attitude is spreading through the nations like wildfire as nations plan to force Israel without agreement to divide the Holy Land and the Holy City just as foretold in End-Time Prophecy. The leaders in the … Read More