Citizen Protests Spreading Across Iran

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Anti-government protests have now spread across the country of Iran. Six days of demonstrations — which have left at least 20 people dead — showed no signs of easing as the anger increased in the streets.

The protests began as frustration over Iran’s sluggish economy and high prices adversely affecting daily living but has broadened to include open defiance of Iran’s Islamic leadership itself.

Iran’s establishment was clearly caught off guard by the speed and ferocity of the protests — the largest outpouring of opposition to the state since the disputed 2009 presidential elections.

It also has underscored the range of tensions buffeting Iran, which has one of the region’s most highly developed middle classes and among the most educated and tech-savvy populations.

Worrisome for Iran’s leaders is the spread of the protests into provincial areas, traditionally conservative strongholds not often drawn into the political activism led by groups in Tehran and other cities.

Now Iranian officials are increasingly calling for harsher crackdowns and loudly claiming outside links to the protests by their “enemies.”

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