Disease Outbreak Spreading Across U.S. With National Shortage Of Vaccine

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

A hepatitis outbreak has been spreading hitting several states across the country, sickening thousands and killing dozens of people.

The epicenter was California starting in San Diego but the virus spread to other states as Utah, Arizona, Colorado,  and Michigan.

Michigan has been the hardest-hit other than California in terms of deaths, with 22.  They currently have 677 cases in Michigan and continue to see approximately 15-20 cases every week with the outbreak now including 15 different county jurisdictions through person-to-person transmission.

Fighting the outbreak has been challenging in some areas due to a national shortage of the vaccine for hepatitis A. And the vaccine shortage is continuing with vaccine prioritized to the highest risk individuals and provided only where they are experiencing the largest number of cases.

We previously posted about this disease outbreak in California as the worst the U.S. has seen in decades, and also how California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency there over the deadly hepatitis outbreak and lack of vaccines.

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver disease caused by a virus found in the feces of people with the disease and is most frequently transmitted by eating food or drinking water handled by someone who has not properly washed their hands. It also can be transmitted by sex and by illicit drug use.

Some of the most common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and jaundice, or yellowing of the skin or eyes; and some can develop liver failure that leads to death.

The current outbreaks of hepatitis A, virus genotype IB, is normally not found in the US; it’s more common to the Mediterranean, Turkey and South Africa.

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