The Economist Forewarned “Get Ready For A New World Currency” In 2018

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

In 1988 the European based and Rothschild owned Economist magazine cover forewarned to “Get Ready For A New World Currency” in 2018.

When the Economist magazine published its forecast back in 1988 of a new global currency to be instituted, was this a globalists pipe dream or was it signaling to the world that the established Petrodollar system would likely run out of gas in 2018?

And perhaps more importantly, did the architects of this prediction foresee that the future would be coming out of Eurasia along with the new monetary system as well?

When the Economist published a “one world, one money” article, they again propagated the idea of a global currency union so to eliminate recurring global financial shocks and emergencies with a globally integrated financial system which would smooth and stabilize the world economy.

Since 2008 when the global financial system suffered a mortal blow, Western central banks have done everything both rational and irrational to try to save the current dying exchange-rate system.

But during this time both China and Russia have risen up and seized control over numerous markets and platforms over the past decade, leaving both the dollar, and the reserve currency system, to stand on the brink of a new currency ready to take its place.

Also, there has been the advent of financial technology with cryptocurrencies, and the power of blockchain technology to potentially change everything within the monetary system. Along with a call for a system that integrates cryptocurrencies, gold, and trade under a system that no longer requires a singular reserve currency.

And the numerous countries of Europe, foreshadowing the prophetic future, developed their European Union with its single currency the Euro.  In Europe this Union built a common market and established a common currency enabling an efficient common market.

And it’s this European integration, that could be seen as a step towards the globalist’s ideal situation of a fully integrated world where this European monetary union is looked upon as a model to roll out for global world integration.

It was Paul Volcker, former Governor of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, who said in 2000, that, “If we are to have a truly global economy, a single world currency makes sense.”

And it’s a global financial system with a common global system of exchange that’s exactly where the prophecies of Revelation say the world will go.

The prophecy of Revelation 13 foretells the world will move to a financial system of the “Beast” with identity technology called the “Mark of the Beast” upon which the entire world is based for financial transactions.

The technology, governmental attitudes, and financial system volatility, point to us almost being there. One more major financial crisis like a market crash could be the tipping point.

Is 2018 the year like the Economist forewarned?

You can learn more about the Signs of the Last Days prophecies here.

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Signs of the Last Days® Ministry