NFL Football Players Credit God For “Miraculous Win”

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The last play as the time clock expired that won a NFL divisional playoff game is being called a miracle that it happened.

It was a game between the Minnesota Vikings and the New Orleans Saints with the lead going back and forth in the last half between the two teams.

Then on the last play with the last seconds ticking off the clock, the Vikings scored a touchdown on a pass play that even their own players were beyond shocked at what happened.

So much so until some players said it was a miracle, and instead of complementing themselves gave credit to God.  Adam Thielen said “That was God, that play right there was God.”

And “OH MY GOD!” were the only words that could come out of Vikings Quarterback Case Keenum’s mouth.

Then Keenum in an interview on the field right after the play, when asked if it was the biggest experience of his life, said that it was one of the biggest, but put it after his experience with Jesus Christ.

Not only was it an exciting game, but also exciting to hear glory given to God in these Last Days.

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Signs of the Last Days® Ministry