Report: Attacks On Religious Liberty in US Increased 133 Percent

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A report by a religious liberty advocacy organization claims that there has been a 133 percent increase in domestic “attacks on religious liberty” in the last five years.

The report highlights cases reported in the last few years in which Americans have had their religious liberty rights infringed or “attacked” in one way or another — either in the public arena, in the military, in schools or even within church walls.

“To deny that religious freedom is in crisis in America is to deny the obvious. And yet there are deniers. Ironically, they include those who launch the very attacks that have caused the crisis itself,” the report explains.

The report highlighted a number of cases:

such as one involving a woman who was ordered to stop praying in her home by police officers;

another involving a high school football coach punished for praying at midfield;

and that of a military veteran who was ejected from a military retirement ceremony for referring to “God” in his speech.

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