Terror Warning That Islamic Virtual Caliphate Still Recruiting Terrorists

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Although the evil terror cult of ISIS has been driven out of its strongholds in Iraq and Syria, military commanders are warning it is not the end of ISIS yet.

After many months of bloody fighting the jihadis were finally defeated in their major strongholds as Mosul and Raqqa.  But Lt. Gen. Paul E. Funk who leads the international military campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, said that despite the fact most militants have been killed or are “on the run”, the terror group still poses a huge threat.

He goes on to describe that the real problem is that the virtual caliphate continues to recruit,  referring to ISIS’s method of getting young fighters on board by making contact with them online.

We know how a number of Islamists who have never stepped foot on Syrian soil have gone on to commit terror attacks in their home countries after being radicalized on the internet.

Gen. Funk also said the main priority now is tracking down foreign jihadis so they can be captured before their return to their home countries. The ISIS caliphate concept is very powerful and dangerous, and if given any chance will continue to morph and exist in the Islamic world.

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