Turkey’s Turn To Russia-Iran From US-NATO

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The new Turkey will be very different and distinctly Eurasian and Islamic. President Erdogan is massively purging and hallowing out the country of western influence and ties.

He has already arrested tens of thousands of the military, then also again such numbers of the police. But even more menacing is his closure of thousands of schools along with the revoking and firing of tens of thousands of teachers and education administration, including university deans and presidents. Also, the press credentials of journalists have been widely revoked.

All this and more done by this authoritarian president who has said he wants all power in the hands of the presidency, and declared Hitler and his Germany as a positive role model for his reforms.

His repression within the country and policy initiatives are beginning to take form showing the direction being taken, and it is distancing from the west while distinctly turning towturkey islamic allahard Eurasia. This refocusing of Turkey’s policy initially away from Europe and NATO is seen in the shift already in making overtures and strengthening relations with the regional powers of Russia and Islamic Iran.

The Turkey President has said the coup was a “Gift from Allah” and promises to create “pious generations” with dramatically increasing the number of Islamic schools in Turkey and expanding religious education.

Turkey has also said that it is reviewing it’s relationship with Washington if the United States does not extradite Turkish opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen, wturkey - US flagsho Turkey’s President has blamed to be linked to the coup attempt in Turkey. The tensions between the U.S. and Turkey remain very high.

Turkey’s Prime Minister has said if the U.S. doesn’t provide the cleric they are no friend of Turkey and engaged in war with Turkey. Turkey’s labor minister also suggested that the U.S. was behind the coup.

In the aftermath of the coup, the U.S. Incirlik airbase in Turkey had its power cut off, all air traffic grounded, and nothing allowed in. Essentially, Turkey held U.S. assets of 1,500 military personnel, advanced aircraft technology, and reportedly nuclear weapons, hostage for several days.turkey US airbase hostage

Also, Turkey officials have said they arrested their fighter pilots that previously shot down a Russian fighter jet at their border with Syria while President Erdogan has also apologized to Russia for the incident. Russia’s President Putin has talked with Erdogan since the coup expressing his support for him and Turkey.

Arab media outlets reported that Turkey’s President Erdogan was alerted by Russia against the imminent army coup just hours before it was started. Erdogan has said he escaped death just by minutes.

Then only a few days after the coup, Erdogan appeared on the media saying that he plans to declare a crucial turn in foreign policy that would “end russia iran presidentsdifferences with Turkey’s neighboring states.”

Now Turkey’s President Erdogan has went to Russia and met with Russia’s President Putin whom he called his dear friend. The visit has unnerved the West. While there the Turkish President said that the relationship with Russia is a priority.

The unquestionable signs of Turkey starting to turn from western influence and distance itself from the U.S. and NATO while shifting toward Russia and Islamic Iran will grow stronger over time; until Turkey is firmly in Russia’s orbit as their ally and finds its place in the Islamic brotherhood as part of the Islamic caliphate coalition around Israel. These signs are pointing toward fulfillment of Prophecy in the Books of Ezekiel and Revelation concerning Turkey, Russia, and Iran.

The Signs of the Last Days are becoming stronger as we see Turkey in Last Days Prophecy. 

Read Turkey Distances Itself From the U.S. and NATO Report