U.S. & Russia Face-Off Across Euphrates River In Syria In ‘Military Base Race’

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

A race for military bases is underway between Russia and the U.S. in Syria as each nation seeks to expand its presence and protect its interests. They are facing off across the Euphrates River which cuts through Syria, with Russian bases being developed on the west side toward the Syrian Regime and U.S. bases on the east side of the Euphrates River with the Kurds.

DEBKAfile, an independent Israeli intelligence and security news service reported that the Russian military is not withdrawing from Syria, but the opposite is happening with Russia spreading new bases opposite US military positions, with more than 6,000 additional Russian military personnel assigned to four new renovated bases in Syria.

In strategic terms, the two powers are dividing a large swath of Syria between themselves as regions of influence with the Euphrates River as the dividing line. It seems this would leave any future government leader in Damascus with around half of Syrian territory under government control and the other half for the Kurds.

But of course Assad’s government and its allies do not want to accept such a demarcation line, for it would mean the government would not only be losing territory but also the rich oil fields east of the Euphrates. They need that revenue to prop up Assad, pay their Russian benefactor, and do any re-building.

This is the reason why a Pro-Syrian Regime force, which also included Russian contract fighters, recently crossed over the Euphrates River with the help of Russian engineers and attacked the U.S. coalition base held by U.S. and Kurdish forces in the oil-rich Deir Ezzor region in the Euphrates River valley.

But the U.S. quickly responded with a ferocious counter-attack killing over a hundred of the enemy and repelling them back to the west side of the Euphrates River. For the U.S. to control the area east of the Euphrates River gives it leverage in the final resolution of Syria and ousting Assad while also giving their ally the Kurds an opportunity to survive in their own place.

So the military base race between the U.S. and Russia is on. A map by Debka shows known military positions to be about a half-dozen Russian bases and a dozen U.S., each spread out across opposite sides of the Euphrates River.

Syria is located in a strategic position as a gateway to the Middle East: with ports on the Mediterranean; and as a land bridge to China’s coming Silk Road; and with through flow of the mighty Euphrates River creating the fertile crescent in the arid Middle East.

And the Revelation 9 Prophecy foretells how that at the end-time, the nations of the world return to the cradle of civilization -but this time to almost end it when a world war breaks out from the Euphrates River that kills a third of mankind.

The battle line is already being drawn as the U.S. and Russia build military bases in a face-off across the Euphrates River in Syria, exactly in the place the prophecy foretold thousands of years ago.

God’s Word is true. And the rest of the Last Days Biblical prophecies will also happen as foretold.

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Signs of the Last Days® Ministry