The United Nations has put the statue of a beast at their UN headquarters that makes one think of the Daniel and Revelation prophecies with it having some similar characteristics. The Revelation chapter 13 prophecy describes a beast which was like a leopard, with feet like the feet of a bear, and a mouth like the mouth of a lion. … Read More
US Intelligence: Kremlin Plans Massive Ukraine Attack w/175,000 Troops
U.S. intelligence is saying they have found that the Kremlin is planning a multi-front offensive on Ukraine involving up to 175,000 troops, according to U.S. officials in an intelligence document. According to reports, “The Russian plans call for a military offensive against Ukraine as soon as early 2022 with a scale of forces twice what we saw this past spring … Read More
U.S. Makes Plans To Evacuate From Ukraine
The U.S. is now making plans to evacuate Americans from the country of Ukraine. As the Biden administration lays out its plans to flee Ukraine should Russia launch an invasion. Reports of this came out about the same time Biden held a virtual call with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss Moscow’s massive troop buildup along the Ukrainian border. The planning … Read More
Putin Calls Out Bible Prophecy For War On Ukraine
Putin, the Prince of Rus over the people of Russia, has called out Gog of Magog prophetic history in his justification for war on Ukraine. Putin wrote an article titled “The historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians” which he published on the Kremlin website which experts are saying is his final ultimatum to Ukraine and his justification for war. In … Read More
CERN: “Ghosts, Rituals, Portals” Reported—At Hells Door?
A real Biblical horror story for the world could be developing replete with ghosts, portals, gods, rituals, and other strange events and manifestations reported happening at CERN. CERN is the acronym used by the European Council for Nuclear Research for the world’s largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Where they have the largest machine in the world, the large Hadron … Read More
Demons Unleashed—Astroworld “Concert From Hell”
People that were there have themselves called it the “Concert From Hell.” Where at the recent Astroworld festival concert in Houston, Texas, with at least 50,000 people in attendance, the environment tragically resulted in the injuries of hundreds of young people and ten deaths. Reports and eyewitnesses say the festival and concert was filled by the performer with demonic imagery … Read More
King Of The East Is Crowned As Euphrates River Is Drying Up
A King of the East has just been crowned in China while at the same time the great river Euphrates in Syria is drying up where China’s One Belt One Road (New Silk Road) is planned to come through the Middle East. The President of China was just crowned by the Chinese communist party where they passed a historical resolution … Read More
Blood Moon!—Longest Near Total Lunar Eclipse In A Millennium
A lunar eclipse that is a rare event will happen this week on Friday, in that it will be the longest nearly total lunar eclipse of a blood moon in a millennium. Lunar eclipses happen when Earth comes between the moon and the sun, so that our planet’s shadow eclipses or “falls on” the moon. The shadow can block all, … Read More
Nations In UN Demand HOLY LAND Be Divided—Israel PM Refuses
The nations are rising up against Israel as foretold in prophecy and demanding that the Holy Land and the Holy City that the Lord God has restored unto Israel be divided. But the current Israeli Prime Minister is saying that he will not meet with Palestinian leader Abbas and that he also opposes a Palestinian State. Saying that he thinks … Read More
Tattoos & Covid Green Pass Increase In A New World Society
Industry experts say there has been a boom in tattoo demand since the Covid pandemic began. As tattoo business owners say demand is booming and analysts report it’s growing faster than all the consumer goods and services sector. As civilization is entering the golden age of the tattoo with them more readily accepted and pronounced in contemporary society since the … Read More