The Beast system of Revelation Prophecy is based on an IMAGE. In the Genesis God created man in His own Image and it was good. And in the End-time of Revelation Prophecy the image of satan’s servant the son of perdition who is anti-christ will be created for evil. Where just as God gave breath to His Godly image of … Read More
Red Storms & Blood Rain Rise Off Dry Euphrates River
Storms are rising from off the dry Euphrates River filled with apocalyptic red skies that are bringing blood rain out into the Middle East and onto other nations. There are increasingly strong winds blowing across the Euphrates River to where the river is being dried up, and it is releasing red dust storms that are turning skies blood red. Where … Read More
Putin Prophesies That Russia War Brings New World Order
Russia’s Putin in his own words has now said that Russia’s aggression of their war on Ukraine will bring the inauguration of a “new world order.” Which he said will benefit Russia in the near future as he said they will bring an end to the current world order and also install a new economic order. In the recent speech, … Read More
Vanished Without A Trace
They are vanished without a trace in a world-wide event. When shockingly there are people from around the world that seem to have been unexpectedly taken. As it will seem they have just literally disappeared from the face of the earth. But governments will be telling people to remain calm and if people have concerns about someone to locally file … Read More
Baal Demon Temple Being Rebuilt Near Euphrates In Mid-East
The demon god of Baal revival is continuing in the world. As the Temple of Baal is being rebuilt in the Middle East in what will be the prophetic heartland of satan’s servant the son of perdition. There is an unholy fascination and focus right now by the world on the demon god of Baal. As the temple of Baal … Read More
Heavenly Signs As Netanyahu & Trump Poised To Return
Netanyahu and Trump seem poised to return as there was a convergence of signs in the heaven over recent elections in Israel and the U.S. Where there was an eclipse of the sun just before the election in Israel, and also a blood moon eclipse at the mid-term national election in the U.S. And now Netanyahu is starting to form … Read More
Secret Talks In Israel With A Messiah
There are reports of secret meetings with talks that Rabbis in Israel are having with a Messiah who people say is doing great signs. To where the Rabbis are saying that the Jewish Messiah is soon to reveal himself, with some mystic Rabbis saying that they are already in direct contact with a Messiah. And there are amazing things being … Read More
Signs In Heaven At Both Israel & US Election
There are signs in the heaven that are happening now at both the Israeli and U.S. elections. Where there was an eclipse of the sun just before the election in Israel. And there will be a blood moon eclipse in just a few days at the election in the U.S. The prophecies of the Holy Bible say that these lights … Read More
BREAKING—Russia Warns Israel of “Destruction”
Recent breaking news has revealed how Russia has warned Israel of destruction of their relationship as Russia links up with Iran on the battle field in Ukraine. And now because of this, there are Israeli officials saying that Israel should now provide Ukraine with weapons. As Russia’s war intensifies on Ukraine, Russia’s issues with Israel at the same time are also … Read More
UFOs Fill Ukraine Skies—As Nuclear Weapon Concerns Grow
Scientists report “unidentified flying objects” or UFOs, are filling the skies over Ukraine as concerns grow over Russia bringing nuclear weapons into their prophetic war on that country. Astronomers report they have monitored fast-moving, low-visibility objects in the sky over the capital of Ukraine and surrounding towns. Which they say cannot scientifically be identified as known phenomena but are UAPs, … Read More