Seaborne radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster has now been detected in U.S. seawater since the contamination has been progressing towards the U.S. coast. Researchers have been tracking the radiation plume in an effort to monitor the ongoing spread of radiation across the Pacific and its evolving impacts. The Fukushima isotope has also been detected in Canadian sockeye salmon as well. It is currently … Read More
Israel Remains The Enemy Says Syria’s Assad
Despite almost six years of war between his army and rebels backed by the West and Gulf countries, Syrian President Bashar Assad said he still considers Israel the one and only “enemy” state. The Syrian leader says the Jewish state’s occupation of the Golan Heights is worse than other countries’ hostile policies. The Syrian president said only a state that is … Read More
Time Names Trump Person Of Year As President Of Divided States of America
Time Magazine named U.S. President-elect Donald Trump as its person of the year citing the upheaval in American politics brought about by the New York businessman’s election campaign and victory. But also cited the division in the country with the magazine’s cover calling him the “president of the divided states of America.” The Republican president-elect ran an unconventional and controversial … Read More
U.S. Shut Out Of Secret Negotiations By Turkey between Russia and Syrian rebels
The US was shut out of a new round of negotiations between Russia and Syrian rebel factions hosted by Turkish officials in Ankara per a source within the Syrian opposition. The source said American officials were not invited to take part in the talks because of recent tensions between Turkey and the US. Also saying that since they are totally out … Read More
NATO’s 2nd Largest Military Power Threatening Dramatic Pivot To Russia/China
Turkey is looking into joining a Chinese and Russian led alliance known as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan said he met with the SCO leaders and expressed his interest in joining the Eurasian political, economic, and military alliance as an alternative to joining the European Union, which has not been receptive to Turkey’s repeated … Read More
Abbas Vows Never to Recognize Jewish State
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said in his re-election speech that Palestinian Arabs will never agree to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Saying there is no compromise on its peace demands putting Western perception of the Palestinian leader as a “moderate” into question. Speaking at the Seventh Fatah Congress in Ramallah Abbas said that he will not accept temporary … Read More
Biblical Pillar of Cloud Protects Israel From ISIS Over Golan Heights [VIDEO]
A startling video, which has been shared over 140,000 times on Facebook, is said to reveal the hand of God protecting Israel against her enemies. The soldier’s video shows what appears to be an enormous pillar of cloud hovering over the dangerous border between Israel and Syria – in the very same area where ISIS militants had attacked IDF forces. … Read More
U.N. Says World Humanitarian Crisis Worst Since World War II
The United Nations has launched a record appeal for aid in what it has labelled the world’s worst humanitarian crisis since World War II. The aid of $22.2 billion covering 33 countries is the highest amount they have ever requested reflecting the state of humanity in the world not witnessed since the Second World War. It says almost 93 million … Read More
Christians Flee Growing Persecution In Africa And Middle East
According to a report, religious persecution is on the rise in Africa and the Middle East, with the Middle East continuing to be a major hub of anti-Christian persecution. This has forced millions of Christians to flee their homes for overcrowded refugee camps and the risks of smuggling routes to Europe, according to the report. The anti-Christian events in Syria … Read More
U.S. ‘Discriminates’ Against Christian refugees accepting 96% Muslims
Less than 3 percent of the Syrian refugees admitted to the United States so far are Christian and 96 percent are Muslim, the result of a referral system that one U.S. Senator says “unintentionally discriminates” against Christians. State Department figures just released showed that the current system overwhelmingly favors Muslim refugees. Some Senators have called for a moratorium on resettlements, a review … Read More