Ukraine Applies For Fast-Track NATO Membership

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has announced that his country is filing an expedited “fast-track” application to join NATO. In his speech Zelensky said that Ukraine was counting on fast-track accession into NATO and that they were already allies. “De facto, we have already become a NATO ally. We trust each other, we help each other, and we protect each other. … Read More

“Biblical” Destruction Hits Florida

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

After Florida officials were able to begin reviewing the impact of Hurricane Ian, the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, used the word “Biblical” to describe the destruction they had experienced. The destructive storm hit Florida with punishing winds of 150 miles per hour and an estimated storm surge of 12 to 18-feet. Only now as rescue teams sift through the massive … Read More

Putin Vows To Use “Any Means” To Defend Annexed Ukrainian Regions

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has illegally annexed four Ukrainian regions, has now vowed to use “all the power and all the means” at his disposal to defend them. And the Kremlin has said that attacks on any part of these would now be considered aggression against Russia itself. Russian government officials have also said that the four regions will fall under … Read More

World Leaders Say World War 3 Is Beginning

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

77 years after the last world war, leaders of the world are now saying that World War 3 is beginning. From the Pope to Putin and others, they are making statements which refer to the world as slipping over the edge of the abyss toward world war. The world religious leader of the Roman Pope, who is the head of … Read More

Chinese & Russian Warships Appear Off U.S. Coast

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A US Coast Guard vessel on routine patrol in the Bering Sea off the U.S. coast of Alaska encountered Chinese and Russian warships including guided missile cruisers. The US Coast Guard Cutter, the Kimball, while on a routine patrol discovered a Chinese missile cruiser with two other Chinese naval vessels and four Russian Navy ships. The Chinese naval vessels and … Read More

U.S. Warns Citizens To Leave Russia Immediately

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow issued a stark security alert overnight that urged U.S. citizens to leave Russia immediately while there are still options for departing the country. The alert comes in the wake of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order for partial mobilization of Russian men to fight in his war in Ukraine. “Russia may refuse to acknowledge dual nationals’ … Read More

50,000 Jews On Holy Hill As Religious War Looms Over Arab Taboos

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Over 50,000 times Jews have ascended the Holy Mount in Jerusalem where they have set a new record by far. And now the Arabs are threatening a religious war with Israel because they say the Jews are breaking their taboos with the large numbers of Jews ascending and praying on the Holy Hill in the Holy City. Setting the stage … Read More

Secret Red Heifers Ritual Sacrifice Starts This

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

What they called as 5 perfect Red Heifers were secretly flown into Israel by the Temple Institute with plans to use them to provide the ashes of the Red Heifer. To where the coming Jewish ritual slaughter and burning of a Red Heifer would provide ashes for the purpose of Jewish purification so to purify the prophesied building of the … Read More

Putin Threatens Nuclear Fire On The West

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

In a speech this week, Putin warned of nuclear winds coming upon the West while additionally saying that he’s not bluffing. As Putin and the Kremlin are escalating the war on Ukraine by mobilizing 300,000 more Russian troops from reserves, while also supporting sham referendums in order to annex eastern and southern Ukraine regions into Russia. To where the Kremlin … Read More

Unexplained Earthquake Curse As 7.7 Quake Is 3rd On Same Date

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake has struck western Mexico on the exact same date as the anniversary of two previous devastating earthquakes which residents there are now saying it’s an unexplained curse. The Mexican Government had just sounded the earthquake alarm earlier in the day as an exercise commemorating the past earthquakes on the same day. When on Sept. 19, 1985, … Read More