Martial Law Exists In Wash. DC w/Razor Wire, Shutdowns, Vehicle Checks, Armed Troops

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Martial law has not been officially declared in Washington DC, but unofficially and for any practical purposes, martial law exists inside the district. Many are now calling it Fortress Washington. As the government has created a militarized “green zone” in Washington DC. Where the Capitol has been turned into an armed military camp with 25,000 National Guardsmen there, who are … Read More

The Trump False Prophecies

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

In the 2020 US presidential election, there were many prophets in modern Christianity who prophesied that Trump would win the election. But these were the Trump false prophecies – with false prophets making false prophecies supporting a political leader. And they were very significant signs of the Last Day Biblical prophecies showing we have entered a climate ready for fulfillment … Read More

Think 2020’s Disasters Were Wild? Experts Predict Worse In The Future

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Disasters seemed to be everywhere in the strange year of 2020. The year actually set a record for the most disasters costing at least $1 billion. And experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Red Cross, and the Center for Research on Disasters, all describe how 2020 has set multiple records for disasters. But expert scientists at Georgia … Read More

Experts Say 2020 Record Year For Disasters Increasing To A Chronic Condition

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The theme for 2020 was disasters. So much so, that 2020 was a record year for disasters. Where it set a new record for the most disasters costing at least $1 billion. Experts are saying that by September, 2020, we had already tied the old record of 16 for the number of billion-dollar disasters in a year. And that when … Read More

Federal Study Links 1918 Pandemic To Rise Of Hitler & Nazis, What’s After Covid?

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Researchers have found a link in a study, how that 100 years ago the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic helped the Nazis and Hitler to rise to power in Germany. According to the federal study in 2020, they found that death tolls from the 1918 influenza pandemic likely helped the Nazis gain power in “crucial” German elections. They say their analysis … Read More

Israel’s Government Falls At Time Of Celestial Grand Conjunction

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

During the celestial grand conjunction in the heavens there were earthquakes and volcanoes erupting, and also Israel’s government fell at the same time. As signs in the heavens, in the earth, and in the nations converge. We have just had the celestial grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the heavens in a close alignment where its been nearly 400 … Read More

Earthquakes & Volcanoes Erupted At Celestial Grand Conjunction

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

At the same time of the grand conjunction in the heavens, there were also earthquakes and volcanoes erupting on earth. As if signs in the heavens and signs in the earth were converging. There was just the celestial grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the heavens in a close alignment of these two looking as if they were touching … Read More

US Military Surging Into Mid-East In High Alert

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The US military is now surging into the Middle East toward the Persian Gulf as they are on high-alert after the biggest missile attack in years on the US embassy in Iraq. There was a serious rocket attack on the US Embassy in Iraq with 21 rockets all hitting inside the heavily fortified Green Zone and about half of those … Read More

China Calls For Global QR Code System To Track Travelers

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Chinese Communist President Xi Jinping wants nations to adopt a global QR code system to help determine travelers health status and travel “permissions” in a post-coronavirus pandemic travel reset. During the recent virtual G20 summit, Xi called for a coronavirus “global mechanism” which involves international recognition of health certificates in the form of QR codes to allow people to travel … Read More

Earthquake Swarm At Yellowstone Could Be Reactivating Ancient Fault

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Yellowstone volcano geologists have identified a cluster of earthquakes near the Yellowstone caldera boundary which is a fault line that formed when the volcano last erupted. The new swarm of tremors has hit the US national park deep under Yellowstone Lake, a 110 square mile body of water that is cut in half by the Yellowstone Caldera boundary. Although other … Read More