The ISIS terror group has claimed responsibility for two separate Palm Sunday bombing attacks at Coptic Christian churches in Egypt that have killed 37 people and injured more than 100. Television footage showed the inside of the church, where a large number of people gathered around what appeared to be lifeless, bloody bodies covered with papers. A second attack was later … Read More
Pentagon Looking At Options For Strike On Syria After Atrocities
A senior U.S. military official has said the Pentagon is coming up with options for a possible strike on Syria after another chemical weapons attack by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad killed scores of civilians. The U.S. President said “What Assad did is terrible. I think what happened in Syria is one of the truly egregious crimes, and it shouldn’t have … Read More
U.S. Ambassador Ominous Warning At U.N. On Syria Atrocities
While holding photographs of dead Syrian children after a chemical bomb attack, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. gave an ominous warning that her country might take unilateral action if the Security Council failed to respond to the latest atrocity in the Syria war. The attack on a northern Syrian town has incited widespread condemnation. The ambassador, Nikki Haley, also … Read More
Employees Chipping Into Work With Implanted Microchips
Work is really getting under some workers’ skin with them now chipping in to work using implanted microchips to unlock doors to their workplace. It’s reported this is the latest example of a trend that is also emerging in the medical profession. Designed by the Swedish Biohacking Group, the radio-wave-emitting chip is the size of a grain of rice and similar … Read More
Increasing Atrocities Leading To Euphrates World War Prophecy Fulfilled
World leaders expressed shock and outrage on reports of another chemical attack in Syria killing scores of civilians including children. Officials said that such attacks were heinous and amounted to war crimes. The Prophecy of Revelation foretells in the 9th chapter that there will be a world war that starts at the river Euphrates that goes through Syria. The Scripture … Read More
Europe Leaders Renew Revived Roman Empire Vow to Pope in Vatican
After received into the Vatican by the Pope this past weekend, Europe’s leaders then signed ‘The Rome Declaration’ renewing their vow to the European Union of the Revived Roman Empire. Along with the Roman Pope before Michelangelo’s masterpiece “The Last Judgment” at the Vatican, all the European nation leaders re-affirmed their nations commitment to the European Union. One by one, … Read More
London Attacker Details Show Islamic Terrorist Known To Officials
The terror in London at the British Parliament in a car/knife attack is now confirmed, as expected, to be done by an Islamic terrorist. The murderer, Khalid Masood, had been previously investigated and tracked by security services there in relationship to concerns about violent extremism. The Islamic State-linked news site Amaq carried a statement calling the attacker a soldier of … Read More
Eyewitness: British Parliament Car/Knife Terror Attacker Described As Probably Muslim
The attacker in another car/knife terror attack, a recent technique of Islamic terrorists, this time on the British Parliament in London, is being described by eyewitnesses as appearing of Middle-Eastern descent. The eyewitness said she saw an Asian man, which is British speak for Middle-Eastern or Muslim, carrying an eight-inch knife blade running into the attack on police at the … Read More
Terror Attack on British Parliament
Early news reports seem to describe a terror attack on the British Parliament in London with multiple weapons used. Multiple attacks are reported with a car mowing down people on Westminster Bridge, with police being stabbed by an attacker, and then with people also being shot at Parliament. Its also reported that attacker(s) was shot by the police. The British … Read More
Book Of Acts Happening In China Now
Christian writer recounted his experience during his trip to China where he met an underground Christian missionary; “He said, ‘everything you read about in the book of Acts is happening in China right now. The Spirit of God is at work mightily. Everything you read about in the book of Acts — God is doing today,’” Also, an unnamed Christian … Read More