Blood snow phenomenon has appeared in Antarctica as blood signs continue to increase in the world as the prophetic heat from the sun increases pointing to the Revelation 16 prophecies. In recent years, Antarctica with its increasing high temperatures from the sun’s heat has provided the environment for the phenomenon of blood snow to show up on the Antarctic Peninsula. … Read More
Pay With Your Hand Or Face In World Beast System This Year
The Mark of the Beast in the Revelation 13 prophecy is getting close as the world financial system now has the ability where people can pay by showing their face or their hand instead of swiping a credit card. As Mastercard is piloting new technology that lets shoppers make payments with just their face or hand at the checkout point. The … Read More
Series Of Israel Earthquakes Has Israelis Saying Big One Close
An unusual number of recent tremors felt in Israel in a series of earthquakes now has Israelis saying that a “Big One” is on the way with the Home Front Command holding a large national earthquake drill. A 3.1-magnitude earthquake rattled northern Israel this week in an area that has seen a series of similar earthquakes in recent months. Israel’s … Read More
Wheat Crops Are Under Threat Of Failing World-Wide
As Russia’s invasion chokes off Ukrainian wheat exports from one of the major bread-baskets of the world pushing up bread and noodle prices, at the same time, extreme weather world-wide is threatening the global harvest. Extreme weather with the likes of heatwaves, droughts, or flooding are threatening wheat output from the U.S. to France and then India. Just about every … Read More
Thousands Of Cattle Dying From Heat
Thousands of cattle have died in Kansas in recent days due to sweltering heat and humidity according to officials. Reports say at least 2000 have died but the number could be much higher to 10,000 or more according to some agricultural news outlets. While heat stress deaths are known to occur for livestock they don’t typically happen on this scale … Read More
Powerful 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes South America
A powerful magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck South America rocking Peru and other nearby countries that also collapsed a 16th-century Roman Church tower. Peru’s civil defense chief said that some people were injured in the tremor and that hundreds of homes were seriously damaged or destroyed with some roads and other infrastructure also being damaged. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that … Read More
Sky Turns Blood Red Over China As People Declare Apocalypse
The sky turned blood red over China as stated in reports from the Chinese east coast city of Zhoushan with people saying the deep blood red sky was a sign of the Apocalypse. Video clips and images have been rapidly circulating on Twitter and other social media sites showing the deeply red colored sky over the city. One popular clip … Read More
Earthquake Strikes Yellowstone
An earthquake struck Wyoming in the area of Yellowstone National Park according to the University of Utah’s Seismograph Stations. There were no reports of damage or injuries. The Yellowstone area is one of the most seismically active in the United States with it quivering with on-going earthquakes at an average of 1,500 to 2,500 tremors a year, but most are … Read More
Russian Troops Burn Bibles In Ukraine
A mission ministry center was destroyed by tanks in Russia’s war on Ukraine and then Russian troops burned their stockpile of Bibles they were going to distribute. The nonprofit ministry that is helping meet the needs of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war, reported that one of its training centers in Irpin was destroyed by tanks during a battle. After their … Read More
Record-Breaking Earthquake Swarm As Sleeping Volcano Awakens
A record swarm of earthquakes was triggered when a long-dormant volcano has begun to awaken. The swarm of 85,000 earthquakes is the strongest earthquake activity ever recorded in the region of Antarctica. Where the long-dormant underwater volcano near Antarctica has woken up. Seismologists said that the the quakes were caused by a finger of hot magma poking into the crust … Read More