Disease & Disasters Causing Hospitals To Run Out Of Medications

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Disasters as Hurricane Maria and diseases as the flu and hepatitis are creating shortages of widely-used and critical healthcare products.

These have quickly become a crisis and looming threat to the public’s health with hospitals running out or extremely low on medications.

An ongoing shortage of IV  fluids used to deliver medicine and treat dehydrated patients has hospital workers scrambling in the midst of a nasty flu season.

The director of medication safety and quality at the American Society of Health System Pharmacists said “If we can’t support patients coming in emergency rooms who have the flu, more people are going to die. I see it as a crisis.”

And fighting a disease outbreak of hepatitis that’s been spreading has been difficult due to a national shortage of the vaccine with it being rationed to the highest risk individuals and provided only where they’re experiencing the largest number of cases.

The executive vice president of government relations and public policy at the American Hospital Association said “We are concerned that the shortages of widely-used and critical products are quickly becoming a crisis and looming threat to the public’s health.”

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), an organization that monitors drug shortages, listed 139 compounds that are currently facing shortages.

There are several reasons for the critical shortage of medications:

One is that companies which make large portions of the drug supply have simply stopped making them or a drug is only being produced by a single manufacturer due to industry consolidation of manufacturers who produce generic drugs. There simply are not enough companies making the drugs needed to keep up with demand.

Then in the wake of Hurricane Maria, a number of facilities in storm ravaged Puerto Rico that make healthcare products including intravenous fluids that are commonly used in hospitals have been knocked out of service.  This led to shortages at hospitals around the US getting worse.

Now many hospitals are only getting half or two-thirds of what they order, and have only a few days’ worth of saline on their shelves –  and some say shortages are worsening.

Shortages are also hitting surgery centers, cancer clinics that infuse chemotherapy, dialysis centers and companies that provide regular infusions to home-bound patients.

If these few disasters & diseases caused these issues can you imagine The Great Tribulation.

2017 was reported to be the worst U.S. year on record with never before seen disasters. And now we have hospitals running out of medications. But 2017 was only a little taste of what is coming.

Can you imagine what the Great Tribulation described in Revelation will be like? Don’t be here. Get ready to meet Jesus in the Rapture. See Next Steps To the Rapture here.

You can learn more about the Signs of the Last Days prophecies here.

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Signs of the Last Days® Ministry