The San Andreas is one of the most famous faults in California. No doubt because it has had epic earthquake disaster movies made about it while gaining the reputation as one of the most dangerous faults in the world. But experts are saying that the reputation is well-deserved. Since they say the fault is the largest in California running almost … Read More
Could Biblical Christians Become Labeled Domestic Extremists?
The U.S. government administration has recently ordered federal law enforcement and intelligence officials to assess the national security threat posed by American extremists motivated by radical ideology. Reports indicate that the power of the federal government national security structure, including the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Council, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, … Read More
COVID Miracle Drug?—New Israeli Drug Cured COVID Cases In Days
A new COVID treatment being developed in Israel called the EXO-CD24 is being hailed as a miracle drug by Israel’s Prime Minister. The new coronavirus treatment being developed at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Medical Center has successfully completed phase 1 trials and helped moderate-to-serious cases of COVID-19 quickly recover from the disease, according to the hospital. Hailing it as a “huge … Read More
Prophet Jeremiah Sign Of Jackals Appears Warning Of Northern Israel Invasion
The jackals, which live in Israel’s wild but rarely enter cities, have now started invading towns in northern Israel and entering buildings attacking people. And some Jewish Rabbis are saying it is the sign of the Jackals from the prophet Jeremiah signaling an invasion is coming to northern Israel. Reports say that northern Israel and especially the city of Nahariya … Read More
Earth Starts Spinning Faster, Begins Shortening The Time
The world’s timekeepers say Earth has started spinning faster shortening the time in a day with the shortest day ever recorded since modern records began. As things are speeding up in the Last Days, just as Bible prophecy foretold. To determine the length of each day on Earth, scientists at the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), measure … Read More
Syrian Army Takes Positions Gathering Near Israel’s Mountain Border
The Armed Forces of the Syrian Arab Army have been spotted taking up a position on the Lebanese side of Mount Hermon from northern Israel. And Syria has a history of gathering it’s armed forces and attacking Israel at Mount Hermon. The cluster of mountains that is Mount Hermon, of which Israel controls less than 10 percent, splits between Israel … Read More
In Judea’s Hills Priests Are Training In “Holy Tongue” For 3rd Temple
In the mountains of Judea an unusual school is being run to prepare for Israel’s Third Temple. Where the school is established to focus on educating Kohanim (Jewish men of the priestly caste) and Leviim (Jewish men from the tribe of Levi) who will ultimately serve in the Third Temple. But the school leader, Yoni Tzadok, is also focusing on … Read More
Christians In Crosshairs After They’re Blamed For U.S. Capitol Riot
In the avalanche of stories being written about the riot at the U.S. Capitol, now there are many reports which are implying Christians were somehow responsible for the chaos. For several days the influential Drudge Report, for example, right above its bank of stories about the Capitol riot was a photo of the wooden cross, implying Christians were somehow responsible … Read More
A Liberal TSUNAMI Is Coming!
Prophetic signs are now warning there is a liberal tsunami coming that the force of its flood will be so strong that it will sweep away all opposition to the liberal world order preparing for the kingdom of antichrist. The Biblical prophecies of the Hebrew prophet Daniel and of the Lord Jesus Christ describe a time of liberals who will … Read More
Earthquake In San Andreas Fault! — Is The Big One Coming?
There was an earthquake this weekend in the San Andreas fault, the longest and most dangerous fault in California. A magnitude 4.2 earthquake hit near Gilroy on Saturday night but was felt across the Bay Area. The quake was centered in Aromas, Calif., 47 miles south of San Jose and hit at 8:01 p.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. … Read More