In the heart of Siberia’s forest there is a gaping monstrous chasm that the local residents are calling a “gateway to the underworld.” The ominous crater, which looms a mile long and reaches depths of nearly 400 feet, appeared without warning and according to geological surveys, it’s been growing at an annual rate of more than 60 feet. Yet, outside … Read More
How weird will it get?…Brain Eating Parasite Invades Texas Towns Water Supplies
How weird is it going to get in the Last Days? Just when we thought 2020 could not be worse, there are news headlines like right out of a science fiction movie. Where 8 Texas towns south of Houston were warned by authorities to not use the water from their system due to fears that a brain eating parasite had … Read More
Authorities Block US Church Services, Outdoor Worship Revival Explodes
Across the U.S., state and local authorities with the backing of federal courts have been blocking churches from having worship services even ordering them closed amid the COVID-19 pandemic. And under the guidelines that authorities have since provided for the opening up of churches for worship services the restrictions have been so severe it was not any better. While at the … Read More
Cult Leader With Thousands Saying “ I Am The Christ” Detained By Russian Authorities
A popular cult leader in Russia who for years has said that he is Jesus Christ and leading thousands, has now been detained by Russian authorities, with no clear reason why authorities decided to move now. The Russian authorities mounted a special operation to arrest the man who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus and has run a cult based … Read More
Signs Hell Opening Up On Earth-Abaddon/Apollyon Prophecy
Signs are happening pointing to the nearing prophecies of Hell opening up on the Earth as foretold in the Book of Revelation. Revelation chapter 6 describes that after the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have manifested in the earth with false peace, war, famine, and death, the prophecy also describes how that Hell follows also manifesting on Earth. Then Revelation … Read More
Israel Attacked With Rockets After White House Peace Meeting
After the signing of normalization peace agreements between Israel and two Arab countries happened at the White House, Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip attacked Israel with rockets. Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired 13 rockets into southern Israel, eight of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome system, the Israel Defense Forces said. But one rocket struck a … Read More
Arab Nations Sign Historic Peace Deals With Israel As Trump Presides
The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have become the latest Arab states to break a long-standing taboo when they signed agreements normalizing relations with Israel at the White House with President Trump presiding. US President Donald Trump hosted the White House ceremony for the deals today capping a dramatic month in which the UAE and then also Bahrain agreed to … Read More
Birds Falling Dead Worldwide-Zephaniah Prophecy Sign
There are reports of hundreds and even thousands of birds literally falling dead from the sky world-wide as flocks mysteriously die in regions around the world. And ornithologists from studies say that 1/3 of birds have disappeared in recent years. Some say they think its because of bizarre weather; others say it’s because of 5G or microwave towers; then some … Read More
Sun Doesn’t Come Up, Skies Turn Red, Like Torment From Hell Upon Earth
Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area woke up disoriented as their world was covered in red, turning eerie and apocalyptic. The street lights stayed on past noon in some neighborhoods because it was so dark outside. The California Highway Patrol’s Golden Gate division tweeted, “It’s after 9 a.m. and there’s still no sign of the sun.” Farmers reported that … Read More
Kushner Predicts All 22 Arab States Could Recognize Israel
Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner has predicted that all other Arab countries will gradually follow the United Arab Emirates in normalizing ties with Israel. Which he also said would cause the “vocal minority” that opposes the move to become increasingly isolated in the region. Asked in an interview with the UAE’s WAM news agency whether he believed all 22 Arab states could eventually … Read More