A slight but majority of American adults say Jesus was a great teacher and nothing more during his lifetime according to a study reported by Newsweek. The 2020 survey found 52 percent of U.S. adults say they believe Jesus Christ is not God — a belief that contradicts the teachings of the Bible, which states Jesus was both man and … Read More
Un-Survivable 2 Story Storm Surge Expected Then The Wind Changed—Miracle Prayer?
Forecasters said that there would be an “un-survivable” storm surge 2 stories high that could push 40 miles inland from Hurricane Laura’s rapid intensification as it roared onshore. But then just as the storm made landfall there was an “east wind” that moved the storm eastward out of position and blew down the surge preventing the excessive devastation that could … Read More
The Abraham Accord & 3rd Temple Secret Red Heifer
Announcements were made recently concerning the Abraham Accord for Middle East Peace and also a Red Heifer at a secret location in Israel for the 3rd Temple in the same time period. This convergence focusing on a Middle East peace deal in the Abraham Accords and also a rare Red Heifer that is viable for fulfilling the ordnance of purification … Read More
The Latest Mid-East Peace Deal And It’s Prophetic Impact
There was the announcement of a Mid-East peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates or UAE, that was facilitated by the U.S. What are the prophetic implications of this Mid-East peace treaty between Israel and the UAE with the U.S.? Is this part of the Trump peace plan called the “Deal of the Century”? And is this the … Read More
World Reactions Divided Over Israel Peace Deal With United Arab Emirates
It was announced by the US Administration that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have agreed to full normalization of relations in a phone call with US President Donald Trump. This marks the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab country in 25 years. Egypt signed a peace deal with Israel in 1979, and Jordan did so in 1994. … Read More
Anti-Christ Arrival Zone Heats Up — WAR ALERT! For Turkey & Greece
There is a War Alert in the eastern Mediterranean where Bible prophecies foretell that the Anti-christ will arrive. As there is prophetic breaking news this week of Greece and Turkey having their militaries on high alert against each other and their warships have also put to sea in the eastern Mediterranean. And this region is the Biblically prophesied arrival zone … Read More
Kings From The East Turn Rivers Blood Red Or Dry On New Silk Road
The Kings from the East are coming out of the Far East heading for the Middle East as foretold in Biblical Prophecy. And rivers are turning blood red or drying up before them as they build their new Silk Road to the Mid-East, as signs that are connecting to the nearing of Revelation prophecy. Which foretells that rivers will be … Read More
Biblical-Like Hail At Meshech Takes Bulldozers To Remove
A hail storm on the Biblical scale recently occurred in a location foretold in the Gog of Magog prophecy of Ezekiel chapter 38. The hailstones in the recent event where so intense and piled up so much ice that it took bulldozers to remove it. Local meteorologists said it was an unprecedented hailstorm the likes of which they had never … Read More
Riots, Lawlessness, Exploding In Cities Across U.S. As Election Nears
Rioting and lawlessness continues exploding in more than half a dozen U.S. cities with police and federal officers responding to the mayhem as the US presidential election nears. In several major cities across the country there has been weeks of violent civil unrest like in Portland, Oregon, which has seen more than 50 consecutive days of lawlessness. Where rioters broke through reinforced fencing … Read More
Under Cover Of Coronavirus China Has Unleashed Aggression Worldwide
The coronavirus pandemic that rages around the world is a fire China lit, as they hid the severity of the outbreak for weeks perhaps months and muzzled Chinese whistle-blowers who wanted to warn us. The Chinese government spent weeks denying and downplaying the severity of their coronavirus outbreak to world leaders that eventually spread to the rest of the world. … Read More