A huge explosion seems to have occurred at a sensitive Iranian military base that has long been suspected of carrying on nuclear work for years. The large explosion lit up the sky east of Tehran with Iranian officials and Arab media giving conflicting reports as to its cause. Iran’s defense ministry is saying that the blast happened at a gas storage … Read More
Killings In Seattle Lawless Zone—No Summer Of Love—Businesses Leave
The mayor of Seattle had said that the Capital Hill area of Seattle, taken over by violent rioters in the wake of George Floyd’s death after police had abandoned their precinct, could bring a “summer of love” there. But the autonomous zone with no cops allowed, instead brought lawlessness resulting in shootings and killings. Where one man was killed and … Read More
New Coronavirus Cases Rising In Nearly Half Of US States As Pandemic Is Politicized
The first wave of the coronavirus pestilence in the US is increasing as the politicized pandemic is trying to be denied and ignored by some in a divided America. Nearly half of states are reporting a rise in new cases and some continue to break records in their daily reported cases. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis said cases are “shifting … Read More
1/3 Of Sun Blocked Over Israel & Temple Mount Connecting To Revelation Prophecy
The Sun over the Temple Mount in Israel was dimmed Sunday when a rare “ring of fire” solar eclipse swept across the country. About 1/3 of the Sun was blocked in Israel from the eclipse with the Moon partially covering the Sun in the Jewish state’s skies at its peak just before 8:30 am. With this connecting to the coming … Read More
Unusual Mid-East Solar Eclipse At Solstice Regarded As Harbinger
We live in the time when the prophetic signs, like rumors of war, pestilence, and others, that Jesus prophesied would happen before the end will come, are now diversely manifesting in the world. And there is now in the prophetic mix another sign in the heavens, where this weekend a rare solar eclipse will happen in the Middle East over … Read More
China Attacks India At Border; 60 Troops Killed; About New Silk Road For Kings Of East
In what was the first deadly clash there for at least 45 years, Chinese and Indian troops fought at their disputed Himalayan border. Reports say the fighting led to the deaths of at least 20 Indian troops and unconfirmed reports in Indian media say at least 40 Chinese soldiers died. India’s officials said China tried to erect a structure inside … Read More
Surprise Asteroid, One Of Biggest Ever, Just Missed Earth – Foreshadowing Prophecy
No one saw it. No one knew it was coming. An asteroid larger than a football field just swept past our Earth that was closer than our moon and no one knew about it until it had already passed. The asteroid, now known as 2020LD, was discovered this month just two days after it whizzed between the Earth and the … Read More
A Storm Of Vengeance Is Coming
An outbreak of violence has infected major cities like an uncontrollable virus that even saw the US military take over Washington DC in order to protect the President. It’s been violence as it were in the days of Noah just as Jesus prophesied. And just ahead this year in 2020 is the US Presidential election that promises to be an … Read More
Supreme Court Gives States Power Over Churches—This Is How It Begins
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has made a ruling in favor of state governments having power over churches in an emergency as Covid-19. This was a huge ruling with major ramifications for Christian churches that connects to the Prophecy of Jesus in the Bible that trouble will come in the Last Days for His believers. Churches in … Read More
Prophecy Of Lawlessness & The Lawless One Nearing
Recent extraordinary nights of violence from coast-to-coast in the cities of the U.S. and in the nation’s capital are signs how an environment of lawlessness is developing. Jesus in His Biblical prophecies in Matthew 24 said that in the Last Days lawlessness would abound. The video below describes how the 2 Thessalonians 2 prophecy describes lawlessness preparing the way for … Read More