Just as in Iraq & Syria, now 200,000 Filipinos have fled as Islamic State militants swept through the southern Philippine City of Marawi, raising the black flag of ISIS, beheading the police chief, burning buildings, and seizing a Catholic priest and his worshippers. Media has showed people crammed inside and on top of public vehicles leaving the area, and some … Read More
Philippines Say Foreign Fighters In Islamic State Invasion
Philippine officials say their intelligence shows that the Islamic State militants that have stormed Marawi City in the southern Philippines includes foreign terrorists. They say Islamic terrorists from other countries have heeded the call of ISIS to go to the Philippines if they find difficulty in going to Iraq and Syria. President Duterte had pleaded with political and Islamic leaders … Read More
Islamic State Takes City & Christian Hostages in Philippines
Islamic State-linked militants have swept through the streets of Marawi City in the southern Philippines torching buildings and also taking a Catholic priest and his worshippers as hostages when sealing off the city to the outside world. The city became a no-go zone and President Duterte declared martial law sending army tanks packed with soldiers rolling into the city in … Read More
Report: How North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans
In a report named “How North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans” , two U.S. experts say that North Korea represents a clear nuclear threat to the American people that is immediate and urgent. A former CIA Director and also an executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security have reported that the U.S. must be prepared to preempt … Read More
North Korea On ‘Inevitable’ Path To Nuclear ICBM
The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency Director has said North Korea, if left unchecked, is on an “inevitable” path to obtaining a nuclear-armed missile capable of striking the United States. The remarks are the latest indication of mounting U.S. concern about Pyongyang’s advancing missile and nuclear weapons programs. He said, “If left on its current trajectory the regime will ultimately succeed … Read More
North Korea Says Ballistic Missile Starts Mass-Production
North Korea has said the intermediate-range ballistic missile it successfully tested has met all technical requirements and could now be mass-produced. North Korea also said that launch tested the capability to carry a “large-size heavy nuclear warhead” and put the U.S. mainland within “sighting range.” Many Western experts agree that the Hwasong-12 test did appear to have advanced North Korea’s … Read More
Britain Makes Terrorist Level Critical & Puts Troops On Streets
Theresa May has announced the terror threat level in the UK is being raised to “critical” and soldiers will now be deployed on the streets to protect key sites, in a significant escalation of the policing response following the Manchester attack. It is the first time in 10 years the feared threat of a terror attack has reached its highest … Read More
Islamic Terrorist Slaughters Children At Ariana Grande Concert
An Islamic suicide bomber at an Ariana Grande concert in England has killed at least 22. The casualties included young elementary school children and young teens. It’s reported an 8-year-old girl, Saffie Rose Roussos, could have been the youngest fatality. The attacker has been identified as UK-born Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old of Libyan descent whose parents were immigrants. A father … Read More
Netanyahu Discussing Ways To Peace With Trump
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel is welcoming US President Donald Trump “with open arms,” adding that he will “discuss ways to advance peace” with the US leader during his Israel visit. Netanyahu also noted the significance of Trump’s first presidential overseas trip including a visit to “Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.” Also, Riyadh’s Foreign Minister has said the … Read More
Trump Says Finds New Hope For Peace Between Israel and Palestine
President Trump has said in Israel he has found new reasons for hope that peace and stability could be achieved in the Middle East. After visiting Saudi Arabia and now in Israel on the second leg of his first overseas trip since entering office, Trump is to hold talks separately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. … Read More